I Am Number Four Movie Review

Releases: 3rd March 2011
Rating: M – Contains violence
Duration: 109 minutes
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Starring: Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Teresa Palmer and Dianna Agron
Director: DJ Caruso (Eagle Eye, DIsturbia)
Guest Reviewer: Holly Wiseman

The Premise>> Extraordinary teen John Smith (Pettyfer) is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri (Olyphant), John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events-his first love (Agron), powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.

The Review>> With Disney you expect the Lion King or Pocahontas, however think the opposite for this movie, this film is full of action and amazing fight scenes. Of course one of the standout components of the film is, despite the high action, there is still no sex and no swearing. So it makes it so much more accessible as a family movie. 

It’s all about the big guns, dragon ball z like powers and insane creatures that seem to look prehistoric. One of the highlights is getting to laugh about aliens who have extra sets of nostrils although slightly disturbing at the same time. However if it were just about aliens it would probably be a bit over the top and too much. Instead there’s enough human factor and a good old fashioned love story to carry it through. It really is a movie not just for the boys but also proves that girls can kick butt too.

There weren’t many recognizable actors in the movie. Glee Actress Dianna Agron did a great job and Alex Pettyfer has definitely grown into his body since his debut in Stormbreaker. Even though I did not know many of the other cast members their performances for this style of film is top class. 

That being said at times a little corny and cliché for example a town called Paradise.  Of course you kind of expect some of that with a film in this style and it ties in some fun yet subtle humour. It also perfectly set up for a sequel or even sequels.

The Conclusion>> The beginning of the movie makes you think why am I here but by the end of it they’ve managed to hook you in. Overall a good solid action film.

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