Win Tickets to Limitless

Here’s your chance to win tickets to go and see the mind expanding new thriller action film, Limitless

All you need to do to enter is answer a simple question…

What are three films that Bradley Copper has starred in over the past 3 years?

Email your answer with your name and contact details to

(Competition closes 11:59pm Sunday 27th of March 2011, you must be a resident of New Zealand and Judges decision in final.)

Rating: – Contains Violence, Sexual References and Offensive Language
In Cinemas 17th March 2011

Limitless Movie Review

Releases: 17th March 2011
Rating: M – Contains Violence, Sexual References and Offensive Language
Duration: 106 minutes 
Genre:  Action
Starring: Abbie Cornish, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro.
Director: Neil Burger (The Illusionist)
The Premise>> Limitless is the story of Eddie Morra, a down on his luck writer aiming to make the big time with a new sci-fi book he’s just got a contract for. He doesn’t have much in the way of inspiration or motivation though. Oh and to make matters worse he’s lost his girlfriend, his apartment is a mess and he has long hair. It’s a tragic picture. 

Hold up though, here’s Vernon his shady former brother in law, who offers Eddie the chance to change his life with a new wonder drug. NZT allows the brain to unlock its full potential which results in Eddie finishing his book in 4 days, ultimately turning his life around, whilst seducing the landlady.  Life is good, until the side effects kick in.
The Review>> Ah yes, I can see the appeal. Who can’t relate to a person with a bit of a lazy side who has big dreams but doesn’t have the skills or energy to take it all the way? Limitless is an interesting exploration of the idea of an unlocked brain; what’s possible, what would you do? As a film though, while it’s an engaging and an exciting ride, it’s got a relatively major let down waiting at the end that confuses the whole vibe of the movie. For me, it’s a Hollywood ending that sort of misses the point and doesn’t really give Eddie what he actually needs.

Limitless, it’s an enjoyable flick, but not deeply satisfying. It’s more of a high five to ‘better living through chemistry’, it sends a slightly disconcerting message… Drugs are good (if you take them right). But, I guess it has a lot of fun telling you that.
The Conclusion>> Limitless, it’s an enjoyable flick, but not deeply satisfying.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for
Shia LaBeouf was cast but had to drop out after he badly injured his arm in a car accident. He was replaced by Bradley Cooper.