Rock of Ages Movie Review

Releases: 14thJune 2012
Rating: M – Contains offensive language & sexual references

Duration: 123 minutes 

Genre:  Musical Drama Comedy

Starring: Julianne Hough, Diego Boneta, Alec Baldwin, Russell Brand, Bryan Cranston, Catherine Zeta Jones and Tom Cruise
Director: Adam Shankman (Hairspray, The Pacifier, Bedtime Stories)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> Two love-struck dreamers fall in love during the height of the hair-metal scene as they navigate the seedy world of drugs, mullets, and stripping while at a club on the Sunset Strip in this adaptation of the hit off-Broadway musical. Set in 1987 Los Angeles, Drew and Sherrie are two young people chasing their dreams in the big city. When they meet, it’s love at first sight, though their romance will face a series of challenges.
The Review>> The first thought that is going to pop into your mind is, what the hey hey is Tom Cruise doing playing a rock star? Surely that’s about as believable as a Shorty Street plot? Well actually it works. Let’s get that out of the way up front. He is brilliant in the role of Stacee Jaxx and he actually does major justice to the great 80s rock anthems. Who would have realised that if can actually sing that well?
I actually went out and bought the soundtrack, and if you know me at all, you will know that I love 80s rock and would not let it be ruined by anyone. So much respect to not only the casting director but also the music director on this film.
I have never seen this musical performed but I am certainly eager to see it now. So if they end up bringing it to New Zealand I would definitely be in super-fast. The songs and the story is a lot of fun and although very cheesy at times, it is that feel that suits the film perfectly and therefore creates a very entertaining cinematic experience. Of course as with most modern rock musicals it is very sexually charged and although there is no actual nudity, there is plenty of innuendo and musical sexiness going on. With this style of content it is really not suitable for the under 16s.
The entire cast is great, with the main focus revolving around the romantic leads of Drew (Boneta) and Sherrie (Hough). The musical chemistry between them is not too bad. It is always hard to judge the on-screen chemistry when characters keep breaking into song, especially when it is ballads that they are singing. However they do both come from a background of fun cheese when you consider that Julianne Hough’s previous films include Burlesqueand Footloose. While Diego Boneta comes from a TV background with roles in shows such as 90210 and Pretty Little Liars.
Then of course there is Alec Baldwin, oh Alec Baldwin you aging champion of comedy. Put him alongside Russell Brand and you have one of the weirdest comedy double teams that you could ever imagine. Which leads to some interesting interactions between them throughout the film as their characters are the two that pretty much manage this infamous rock venue and have so many things to overcome along the way while still trying to stay true the spirit of rock n’ roll.
The cast in itself is brilliant and has a huge depth throughout it with the likes of Paul Giamatti and Catherine Zeta Jones in the mix.
The Verdict>> An absolutely fun feel good musical comedy for those who don’t mind a little saucy action and who love the big hair rock ballads of the 80’s.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Anne Hathaway and Amy Adams were offered the role of Constance, but both declined due conflicting schedule for a superhero film. Hathaway was busy shooting The Dark Knight Rises and Adams was shooting Man of Steel. Malin Akerman, who appeared in Watchmen, was ultimately cast.

Special Bonus for you. Tom Cruise talks about 80’s rock and his performance.

The Trailer

A Special Featurette

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