Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days Movie Review

Releases: 27thSeptember 2012
Rating: PG
Duration: 94 minutes 
Genre:  Family
Starring: Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron and Devon Bostick
Director: David Bowers (Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules)
Reviewers: Jon E Clist & Brenya Beale 
The Premise>> The oh-so-wimpy Greg Heffley (Zachary Gordon) gets himself into more mischief when he spends the summer working at a country club in this third installation of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. David Bowers returns to direct from a script by Maya Forbes and Wally Wolodarsky.
The Review>> My 11 year old daughter loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and hence loves the films. So it goes without saying that I always get dragged along to see the films as they come out.  I really didn’t enjoy the first in the series. Brenya did and so that kind of leads me to the conclusion that it worked for the target market regardless to what I thought. Of course the second one seemed to be majorly improved in its execution. When I say execution, I am talking about the fact that in the second one I didn’t desire to execute the director.
Here in the third installment, they have continued this improved style, which made it a pretty enjoyable viewing experience. But don’t take my opinion on it, here’s what Brenya had to say about it.

 Plenty of laughs and it continues that flow that in deep within all of the films, Gregg is a selfish idiot and must learn a lesson on how to be in relationship with those around him without being such a brat. Of course the trouble he gets into by being that brat does lead to plenty of kid oriented laughs along the way.
The Verdict>> The kids will love it and the parents can catch a nap.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Though this will be the third installment to the film series, its title is taken from the fourth book of the book series as it will be based on both the third and fourth books, The Last Straw and Dog Days.
The boy scouts scene is featured in The Last Straw. Sweetie, the family dog, is introduced in this movie, and he was featured in Dog Days. These scenes show the combination of the two books.
Director Cameo (David Bowers):  As Lil’ Cute writer Son. He can be seen when Greg and His Father are laying on the Bed in the Hotel room.

Hotel Transylvania Movie Review

Releases: 27thSeptember 2012
Rating: PG – Contains some scenes may scare very young children
Duration: 91 minutes 
Genre:  Animated Family
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Andy Samberg
Director: Genndy Tartakovsky (Star Wars Clone Wars, Samurai Jack)
Reviewers: Jon E Clist & Brenya Beale 
The Premise>> Welcome to the Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families can live it up, free to be the monsters they are without humans to bother them. On one special weekend, Dracula has invited some of the world’s most famous monsters – Frankenstein and his wife, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, a family of werewolves, and more – to celebrate his daughter Mavis’ 118th birthday. For Drac, catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem – but his world could come crashing down when a human stumbles on the hotel for the first time and takes a shine to Mavis.
The Review>> I love monster films. Oh and I generally like animated films too. So it kind of goes without saying that I would probably enjoy an animated film about monsters. I did thoroughly enjoy the film. There are plenty of laughs and even a brilliant musical piece at the end of the film. Of which I am very glad they waited until the end of the film to introduce that component to the film. Sometimes it can be very distracting having to include musical numbers in animated films. Sure Disney has been doing it for years and in general they do a great job. We all know some of the words to A Whole New World from Aladdinand Hakuna Matata from The Lion King, so it is obviously a good thing. But you know what they say about too much of a good thing?
Here’s a little of what my 12 year old daughter, Brenya had to say about this film.
My take is that I thought there were lots of good throwbacks to classic monster films that have come before, which in turn makes this film really accessible to the older audience members who get dragged along with the kids. On the flipside there are heaps of really funny and colorful characters that the kids will love and laugh at.
I really enjoyed the great cast that brought some super clever elements to some of these classic monsters. For example Adam Sandler actually sounded a little less than his normal completely over the top and at times I had to remind myself that it was him, This worked really well in this film in that you connected with the Dracula character rather than focusing on it being Adam Sandler. It was fun when you got to the credits at the end and seeing just who voiced each character.
The Verdict>> A great family option for the school holidays.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Miley Cyrus was cast as Mavis, but withdrew to focus on other projects and Selena Gomez was brought in to play the part.
This is the first feature film ever directed by Genndy Tartakovsky.
The film’s release date is September 28th, which is World Rabies Day.

Kiwi Flyer Movie Review

Releases: 27thSeptember 2012
Rating: G
Duration: 89 minutes 
Genre:  Family  
Starring: Tandi Wright, Vince Martin and Dai Henwood
Director: Tony Simpson (Debut Feature Film)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> In Nelson, New Zealand, twelve-year-old Ben (Edward Hall) plans to build the race winning Kiwi Flyer for this year’s trolley derby. But Ben’s dream is shattered when his father is killed in a car accident returning home with the newly built trolley. When cocky class-mate Shannon (Myer van Gosliga) and his thuggish boy-racer older brother Shane (Doug Colling) who will stop at nothing to retain the trophy insult Ben’s late dad, Ben is determined to enter the race and uphold the memory of his father.
The Review>> When I first saw Dai Henwood perform, I thought he was super funny. However over time I think I just kind of moved on or perhaps some of his comedy got weaker. So I will be completely honest with you say that when I saw he was in this film I kind of started to feel as though it would be a little weak also. I am very happy to say that after watching it, I have changed my mind not only about the film but also about Henwood. Although is just one cog in the Kiwi Flyer gearbox, he is brilliantly funny in that uncomfortable nerdy way.
Now the other thing I will say is that in general NZ doesn’t do true family friendly very well. We try so hard at time to be real and gritty that we overly include adult themes, bad language and other such graphic content. I am certainly not against these things in general films where the storyline warrants it, however if you are making a film that we can feel confident in taking all ages to, then do the appropriate thing. Kiwi Flyer is a great example of how a lovely funny film can be just that when you pay attention to the target market you are aiming at. Yes at times it is kind of cheesy and a little over the top. Yet it was thoroughly enjoyable. My 11 year old daughter enjoyed it, and my ever so slightly older parents thought it was charming and very entertaining. I of course as the one right in the middle between youth and experience actually had a good time too.
It is very kiwi, and being set in Nelson has a more National and obviously kiwi feel to it. Whereas a lot of films set in either Wellington or Auckland often feel like they could have been filmed in any western world city. However this had a lovely down to earth and local feel about it.
The Verdict>> Good clean local family fun with some great positive life lessons about honesty and family, and not trusting Aussies like Vince Martin.

The Five Year Engagement DVD Review

Releases: September 2012
Rating: M – Contains Sex scenes & offensive language
Duration: 126 minutes 
Genre:  Comedy
Starring: Jason Segel, Emily Blunt and Chris Pratt
Director: Nicholas Stoller (Get Him To The Greek, Forgetting Sarah Marshall)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> Exactly one year after Tom Solomon meets Violet Barnes, he surprises her with a ring. By all accounts, Tom and Violet are destined for their happily ever after. However, this engaged couple just keep getting tripped up on the long walk down the aisle.
The Review>> Jason Segal has certainly become one of the go to guys for comedy these days. Of course despite his foray into family comedy with The Muppets, he is generally better known for the slightly more adult in nature funny films. He now finds himself back where we recognize and even love him here in The Five Year Engagement. Yes that does mean that there are some edgy comedy focusing on sexuality, food and hunting.
Of course I must say that Emily Blunt is certainly becoming the go to girl at the moment. While she has just hit our screens in this film, she will soon continue the momentum by joining Ewan McGregor in the Screen adaptation of the best-selling book Salmon Fishing In Yemen. She exudes a wonderful beauty and yet it is joined by a realism. For the most part her characters feel like someone that you know. Someone who is accessible rather than some above up all celebrity. Which adds a lovely dynamic in this movie. Of course that fits in perfectly with the rest of the cast. They are all actors who come across as people just like us, facing stuff that we face too.
Of course this isn’t the first time that we have seen Segal and Blunt in the same film together, they previously played romantic interests in Gulliver’s Travels and also both appeared in The Muppets. At first glance I think we’d all probably question whether these two leads actually have potential for onscreen chemistry. One seems like a classy English young lady and the other a bit of an American buffoon. However, once you start seeing them interact on screen, the chemistry is good and it’s a very real type of magic.
Of course the thing that often makes or breaks these sorts of films is the best friends of the main couple. In this case Community’s Alison Brie is brilliant and her English accent is really good. In order to fine-tune her character Suzie’s British accent, Alison Brie listened to recordings of readings provided by her British co-star Emily Blunt. As you would expect Parks and Recreation’s Chris Pratt is so funny in his usual slightly naive best friend role.
The jokes are great and there are plenty of them, while the relationships in general seem real and believable. Of course when you add in Rhys Ifans as the somewhat super sleazy senior professor and you have some lovely dynamics happening on screen. I think my favourite joke in the film references Michael Jordon on the toilet and is hilarious.
The Verdict>> A good solid romantic comedy with lots of funny and emotionally realistic moments.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Jason Segel and Emily Blunt previously played romantic interests in Gulliver’s Travels. They also both appeared in The Muppets.
In early trailers for the movie, just before Emily Blunt is shot in the leg with a cross bow, you hear the little girl say “I’m Pocahontus.” In later trailers it is changed to “I’m Katniss.”

Street Dance 2 DVD Review

Releases: September 2012
Rating: PG Contains Sexual References
Duration: 85 minutes 
Genre:  Dance Drama

Starring: George Sampson, Sofia Boutella and Falk Hentschel
Director: Max Giwa, Dania Pasquini (StreetDance)
Reviewer: Jodie Clist 
The Premise>> When top street dancer Ash (Falk Hentschel) is humiliated and laughed off stage by American crew Invincible, he sets off to gather the best dancers from around the world to take them on – with a dance style they weren’t expecting. With landmark locations, a spectacular fusion of dance styles and an unparalleled vibrancy, the sequel to StreetDance sees our hero fall in love with a beautiful salsa dancer as he discovers the magic, power and passion of dancing for the ultimate global dance off.
The Review>> In its purest form, this is a dance movie; therefore, I’m not going to say anything much about the plot, the acting or the characters.  After all, these things were, to me, really quite secondary to the phenomenal dancing that steals almost every scene in this movie. 
The mix of street hip hop and Latin/Salsa literally sizzles off the screen and the kick-ass sound track drives relentlessly in the background to get your feet itching to move to the beat.
These dancers really are incredibly talented and even more vivid and intense in 3D!
The Verdict>> Looking for a raw and funky dance extravaganza, an awesome sound track, and some passionate Latin sizzle, look no further. 

Man On A Ledge DVD Review

Releases: September 2012
Rating: M – Contains violence and offensive language

Duration: 102 minutes 

Genre:  Thriller

Starring: Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell, Ed Harris, Kyra Sedgwick, Anthony Mackie, Edward Burns
Director: Asger Leth (Ghosts of Cité Soleil)
Reviewer: Jodie Clist 
The Premise>> Nick Cassidy makes a desperate and life-threatening move to prove his innocence after he is framed for the theft of a rare, prized diamond. Recently escaped from prison and with nowhere else to go, Nick climbs onto the ledge of a towering skyscraper, inviting the eyes of New York City to anxiously watch as one wrong step could mean plunging to his death. But as one female police negotiator soon learns, Nick’s daredevil stunt, captivating the eyes of the public and media, masks a dangerous ploy to reveal the truth about his tarnished name.
The Review>>  In this heist/thriller, Worthington gives a good performance as a man desperate enough to try anything to prove his innocence – even stand on a ledge above New York City.  As the plot unfolds piece by piece, the audience quickly realises that not all is as it seems and the story, while not grippingly thrilling, kept me engaged enough that there were “on the edge of my seat” moments, and some good twists and turns in the effort to reveal the truth.
It’s always great to see Ed Harris on the big screen as he really knows how to sell the audience on his character; a ruthless, calculating man of power who will stop at nothing to protect his empire.
There are even a few elements of humour injected throughout; just enough to lull you into a false sense of security before revealing yet another layer of subterfuge which lands you right back on the edge of your seat.
The Verdict>>  A good heist/thriller with enough action and twists to keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat. Perhaps one for a boys night out as opposed to date night.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Amy Adams was considered for the role of Lydia.
Det. Lydia Mercer (Elizabeth Banks) helps Nick (Sam Worthington), a wrongfully convicted man who escapes from prison to prove his innocence. In ‘The Next Three Days’, Banks played a character who is wrongfully convicted and escapes from prison.

The Pirates: Band of Misfits DVD Review

Releases: September  2012
Rating: G

Duration: 88 minutes 

Genre:  Family Animation

Starring: Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek and Jeremy Piven
Director: Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt (Chicken Run, Wallace and Gromit)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> After years of humiliation and failed attempts to win the coveted Pirate of the Year Award, Pirate Captain and his oddball crew take on the cream of the pirating crop – Black Bellamy, Peg Leg Hastings and Cutlass Liz – in a race to pillage the most booty. They soon cross paths with lovelorn scientist Charles Darwin, who persuades the Captain that the crew’s prized ‘parrot’, Polly, could be the answer to the ‘untold riches’ they are searching for. Their adventure takes them to Victorian London where they meet Darwin’s sidekick ‘man-panzee’ Mister Bobo, and the notorious pirate-hating Queen Victoria herself. It soon unfolds that Darwin’s motives for helping the crew are not what they seem, and the Queen has an evil hidden agenda of her own. The Pirate Captain must choose between basking in the glory of being crowned Pirate of the Year, or staying faithful to his trusted crew.
The Review>> So the team from Ardman animation are back with some more stop motion goodness. I am a big fan of the work that they have done in the past with the Wallace and Gromit franchise. Not only visually awesome but also the slightly more clever style of british comedy. More than just set up and punchline, cleverly deep wit is spread throughout these wonderfully lovable animated films.
The Pirates is no exception to this awesome legacy from Nick Park and the Team. The laughs abound and even more than what you see in the trailers. So often with family oriented comedies, most of the funny jokes seem to be squashed into the two and a half minutes trailers, so when you see the movie you can see the jokes coming and it’s more about guessing what order in which they will be unfurled. However here you will find a lot more laughs and the ones in the trailers aren’t the best of the crop either.
For the most part, the vocal talent shines brightly and delivers a brilliant cast performance. Although I have to say that I personally think that Hugh Grant was the best choice for the lead role. His lack of animated voicing experience comes across with a somewhat lackluster performance that seems to be missing a little of the over the top type execution that you expect from this style of film.  I am not sure if part of it for me was that when I first heard of this film I thought the lead was being done by Hugh Laurie. I think once you see this film you will likely agree with me that Laurie would probably have done a better job.
That being said, overall this was a very funny film that fits well for all ages. A little of something for everyone is what you will find here. (Whoops, slipped into Yoda talking like.. hmmm).
The Verdict>> A lot of family friendly film fun for everyone.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> The film is primarily stop-motion animation, but computer-generated animation was used for much of the scenery (the sky and sea primarily).
The film is based on Gideon Defoe’s novels ‘The Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists’ (the Pirates encounter Darwin and Bobo) and ‘The Pirates! in an Adventure with Whaling’ (the Pirates face off against Cutlass Liz).

Win Tickets to see Dredd

Dredd is coming to the big screen from the 4th of October, so  Big Screen NZ are giving you the chance to WIN one of five double passes to the film.

All you need to do is answer this simple question… 

Who plays Dredd in this film? (Please put “Dredd” in the subject line)

Email your answer with your name and contact details to  win@bigscreennz.com

Competition closes 11:59pm Monday 10th of October 2012, (you must be a resident of New Zealand, and judges decision in final.)

The Premise>> DREDD, a futuristic cop combines the power of judge, jury and executioner in Mega City One, a massive city that stretches down the entire East coast of America.  The endlessly inventive minds of writer Alex Garland and director Pete Travis bring DREDD (played by ???) to life in a futuristic neo-noir action film that returns the celebrated character to the dark, visceral incarnation from John Wagner’s and Carlos Ezquerra’s revered comic strip.

In Cinemas 4th October 2012
R18 – Contains Graphic violence & offensive language

Win Tickets to Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect is coming to the big screen from the 29th of September, so Universal Pictures and Big Screen NZ are giving you the chance to WIN one of five double passes to the film.

All you need to do is answer this simple question… 

What is your favourite song to sing at karaoke? (Please put “Pitch” in the subject line)

Email your answer with your name and contact details to  win@bigscreennz.com

Competition closes 11:59pm Monday 10th of October 2012, (you must be a resident of New Zealand, and judges decision in final.)

The Premise>> Beca (Anna Kendrick) is that girl who’d rather listen to what’s coming out of her headphones than what’s coming out of you. Arriving at her new college, she finds herself not right for any clique but somehow is muscled into one that she never would have picked on her own: alongside mean girls, sweet girls and weird girls whose only thing in common is how good they sound when they sing together, in the new out-loud comedy Pitch Perfect. When Beca takes this acoustic singing group out of their world of traditional arrangements and perfect harmonies into all-new mash-ups, they fight to climb their way to the top of the cut-throat world of college a cappella. This could wind up either the coolest thing they’ll ever do or the most insane, and it will probably be a little of both. 

In Cinemas 29th September 2012
M – Contains offensive language & sexual references

The Sapphires Movie Review

Releases: 4thOctober 2012
Rating: PG – Contains Violence, coarse language & sexual reference
Duration: 133 minutes 
Genre:  Comedy
Starring: Chris O’Dowd, Deborah Mailman and Jessica Mauboy
Director: Wayne Blair (Various TV)
Reviewer: Holly Wiseman 
The Premise>> 1968 was the year that changed the world. And for four young Aboriginal sisters from a remote mission this is the year that would change their lives forever. Around the globe, there was protest and revolution in the streets. Indigenous Australians finally secured the right to vote. There were drugs and the shock of a brutal assassination. And there was Vietnam. The sisters, Cynthia, Gail, Julie and Kay are discovered by Dave, a talent scout with a kind heart, very little rhythm but a great knowledge of soul music. Billed as Australia’s answer to ‘The Supremes’, Dave secures the sisters their first true gig, and fly’s them to Vietnam to sing for the American troops. Based on a true story, THE SAPPHIRES is a triumphant celebration of youthful emotion, family and music.
The Review>> Watching the trailer for The Sapphires I wasn’t holding out to see the movie but now it’s one of my favourite films I’ve watched all year.
I think I did the female thing where your mind sees that it’s about war and writes it off a little.  This is far from a war movie it involves romance, comedy and had me in suspense, laughing and crying. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.
The movie handles the racial issues of the time so well and I think in a way reminds you to have empathy for others and value what you have.
Yes the sisters voices were amazing (highlight seeing Jessica Mauboy in there) however Dave the girl’s manager made the movie.  His ability to have you in hysterics in the middle of a war zone is truly magic.
The Verdict>> Don’t judge a film by its trailer.  Give this one a go, you’re sure to enjoy it.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> At the Tupperware party set in 1968, someone is seen holding a Tupperware product from the 1980s, the Harvest Gold Microwave Steamer.
The movie is set in 1968, but The Sapphires sing The Staple Sisters “I’ll Take You There” (released in 1972) and Merle Haggard’s “Today I Started Loving You Again” (released in 1970). It also features “Run Through the Jungle” (released in 1970) in
The opening scene shows a girl running through a field of canola in 1958. The first canola in Australia was planted in 1968, but was not grown commercially until the 1990s.
The Sapphires are shown performing for the 19th Infantry Division. However, the 19th Infantry Division was deactivated in 1944 and never served in Vietnam.

The Real Sapphires