Win Tickets to see Dredd

Dredd is coming to the big screen from the 4th of October, so  Big Screen NZ are giving you the chance to WIN one of five double passes to the film.

All you need to do is answer this simple question… 

Who plays Dredd in this film? (Please put “Dredd” in the subject line)

Email your answer with your name and contact details to

Competition closes 11:59pm Monday 10th of October 2012, (you must be a resident of New Zealand, and judges decision in final.)

The Premise>> DREDD, a futuristic cop combines the power of judge, jury and executioner in Mega City One, a massive city that stretches down the entire East coast of America.  The endlessly inventive minds of writer Alex Garland and director Pete Travis bring DREDD (played by ???) to life in a futuristic neo-noir action film that returns the celebrated character to the dark, visceral incarnation from John Wagner’s and Carlos Ezquerra’s revered comic strip.

In Cinemas 4th October 2012
R18 – Contains Graphic violence & offensive language