Film News>> New Trailers to get excited about

New Trailers are out at the moment for an interesting collection of upcoming films… John McLean is back, Jack Reacher is arriving and the Minions are ready to play…

Despicable Me 2

A Good Day to Die Hard

Jack Reacher

A Good Day to Die Hard

Arbitrage Movie Review

Releases: 1st November 2012
Rating: M – Contains offensive language
Duration: 102 minutes 
Genre: Drama
Starring:Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon, Laetetia Casta and Brit Marling
Director:Nicholas Jarecki (The Weight, Outsiders)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> When we first meet New York hedge-fund magnate Robert Miller (Gere) on the eve of his 60th birthday, he appears the very portrait of success in American business and family life. But behind the gilded walls of his mansion, Miller is in over his head, desperately trying to complete the sale of his trading empire to a major bank before the depths of his fraud are revealed. Struggling to conceal his duplicity from loyal wife Ellen (Sarandon) and brilliant daughter and heir-apparent Brooke (Brit Marling), Miller’s also balancing an affair with French art-dealer Julie Cote (Casta). Just as he’s about to unload his troubled empire, an unexpected bloody error forces him to juggle family, business, and crime with the aid of Jimmy Grant (Parker), a face from Miller’s past
The Review>> ARBITRAGE: Def. the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset.
In the past decade we have seen a raft of films based on some of the darker side of financial investment companies. Margin Call and Wall Street 2 just to name a couple that have been rather recent. For the most part we are seeing films that are really starting to vilify the greedy motives. Of course we are also seeing the reality coming through in the form of the rich generally getting off without major penalty or punishment. Here in Arbitrage we see a character that at no stage in the film do you feel sorry for or even like in the slightest amount. As basic financial deception gives way to criminal activity, the deeper the hole is dug, but as in the case of the world we live in, the big holes just need more money thrown in them by the rich in order to avoid real consequence. Now I know that I am sounding a lot like a hippy and I should point out that in general I like the basic world we live in. I think in general capitalism would work well if it weren’t for humanity innate nature of greed. I think that it is great to want to do more and be the best and even have the best; however I do think that most of us don’t have an off switch. There’s that thought that a rich man is asked how much is enough money and he answers just $1 more. This film certainly shows this side of capitalism at its worst.
It is not just a case of the greed, but how the greed creates problems, which in turn need lies to cover those problems and desperate things must be done to keep it all under wraps. Then there is this whole subplot within the film that poses the question of, if you are willing to hurt people with your greed and financial deception, what other areas of your life will this deception filter into? Now at times this film kind of slows in pace and you certainly struggle at times to really find anyone to connect with. I think like the movie Crash, this is a film that shows that all people despite how they appear are capable of doing nasty things, especially when their own world and security is perceived to be threatened.
I came out of the film thinking that it was okay, but because I didn’t feel any positive connection with Gere’s character, I felt a little blah about it. As I have sat with the film a little longer, the aftertaste has taken a stronger flavour and I have found that I understand the point of the film in a better way. One of those films that grows on you after, as you ponder more about it.
The Verdict>> A solid financial thriller with good performances by an outstanding cast, with a story that may take a little time to percolate before you fully decide if you liked it or not.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> There were a lot of casting changes in the build-up to filming and even during production. Richard Gere replaced Al Pacino. Eva Green was originally cast as Julie but dropped out to a scheduling conflict with Dark Shadows. Laetitia Casta was cast in her place. Nate Parker replaced Drake shortly before filming commenced.

Win The Amazing Spider-Man on Bluray

He isn’t just brilliant… 
he’s amazing… 
The Amazing Spider-Man,

We are giving you the chance to win The Amazing Spider-Man on Bluray

To be in to win simply answer this question…

What are three movies that Andrew Garfield has previously starred in?

Email your answer with your contact details to 
(Please put “Spider” in the subject line)

Terms and Conditions>> Entries close Friday 9th of November 2012. You must be a Resident of New Zealand to win and judges decision is final.

The Premise>> The Amazing Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker (Garfield), an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben (Sheen) and Aunt May (Field). Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Stone), and together, they struggle with love, commitment, and secrets. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents‘ disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans), his father‘s former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors‘ alter-ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.
The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer
In-store Now

The Amazing Spiderman DVD Review

The Amazing Spiderman
Releases: October 2012
Rating: M – Contains Violence
Duration: 137 minutes 
Genre:  Action
Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Martin Sheen, Sally Field and Rhys Ifans
Director: Marc Webb (500 Days of Summer)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 

Special Features>> 3D Film School with Marc Webb  Birth of Spider-Man Animatic

Casting Rite of Passage: The Amazing, Spider Man Reborn Friends and Enemies:, Casting, Deleted Scenes A Different Fate
Developing The Amazing Spider-Man Video Game and heaps more

The Premise>> The Amazing Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker (Garfield), an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben (Sheen) and Aunt May (Field). Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Stone), and together, they struggle with love, commitment, and secrets. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents‘ disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans), his father‘s former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors‘ alter-ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.
The Review>> so yet again the studios are ready to reinvent the cinematic wheel. At first thought I must admit that I wondered why they were rebooting the Spiderman franchise so soon after only three films in less than a decade. However seeing the trailers as they were unfolded online, I have to admit that I certainly started getting excited about the reboot.
There are several reasons why I have come to the conclusion that this has ended up being a great move backed with near perfect execution. Firstly the cast is awesome on all levels. Garfield is brilliant in the lead role and brings in increased dramatic quality to the film. In the emotional moments within the plot, he is very believable and you can’t help but be drawn into the intensity of the moment. I guess part of this also comes down to the superb cast that if gets to bounce off. Compared to the previous outings, having Martin Sheen and Sally Field as his Aunt and Uncle brings a new level of acting brilliance to the story that was lacking before.
Secondly, there is a more professional feel to the film that was lacking in the others. To me it is the same thing that happened in the move from the first three X Men films to First Class. Better quality script with dynamic and interesting plot lines and to be blunt, a better class of actors combines to add weight to the fun and action. This is still a blockbuster with a pile of super stunts and grunty action, however it has been brought to life through its classy treatment. This comes across so very well in that apparently it was a creative decision by the filmmakers to have most of the stunts performed practically on rigs by actors/stuntmen, rather than extensively use CGI animation. The director, Marc Webb explained they wanted to make the film more physical and thus more realistic. While filming in New York the crew built a whole rig hundreds of feet long over Riverside Drive in Harlem, and Andy Armstrong built a car rig with a series of wires to help with VFX which required an incredible wealth of acrobatics.
This added with the well-crafted script and storyline really does create a wonderful cinematic experience.
The Verdict>> Blockbuster goodness near perfection.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> On selecting Andrew Garfield to play Peter Parker/Spider-Man, director Marc Webb said, “Though his name may be new to many, those who know this young actor’s work understand his extraordinary talents. He has a rare combination of intelligence, wit, and humanity. Mark my words, you will love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.”
This film marks the first time Dr. Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans) becomes The Lizard on film. Although Curt Connors appeared in the original Sam Raimi films, played by Dylan Baker, the character never became the Lizard despite some strong hints.
Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy) and Sally Field (Aunt May) share the same birthday.
This is the first “Spider-Man” film to not feature Spider-Man’s perennial love interest Mary-Jane Watson (in the original three films played by Kirsten Dunst). Instead, Peter Parker’s original girlfriend Gwen Stacy appears (who had been played by Bryce Dallas Howard in the third film).
All four Spider-Man films have filmed on the Universal Studios Hollywood back lot. Ironically symbolic of the series itself, portions of the back lot burned down on June 1, 2008, meaning that first three used the old back lot while this reboot uses the new back lot.
Originally the Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson had a place in the script and J.K. Simmons was going to reprise the role from the Raimi films; later John Slattery (I)’, Sam Elliott and R. Lee Ermey were considered for the role. However with the shift of the focus to high school the newspaper angle was removed from the script.

How to Meet Girls from a Distance Movie Review

How to Meet Girls from a Distance
Releases: 1stNovember 2012
Rating: R13 – Contains Offensive language & sexual references
Duration: 83 minutes 
Genre:  Comedy
Starring: Owen Black, Jonathan Brugh and Richard Falkner
Director: Dean Hewison (Debut Feature)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> Toby has always been unlucky with girls. Ever since getting stabbed in the throat after asking a girl out, Toby has resolved to learn everything he can about girls before meeting them. So he can become the man of their dreams. After faking yet another girlfriend, his mother takes matters into her own hands and signs him up with a dating coach. But Toby has finally found Phoebe. She’s intelligent, enchanting and she’s hot, everything Toby has been looking for. But this girl brings challenges that Toby hasn’t had to face before including a boyfriend. Toby finds himself crossing lines he never thought he’d cross. Then there’s the problem of how to keep her, without her finding out that he knows everything about her. How far would you go for a crush?
The Review>> For the most part I have been somewhat dubious of locally produced comedy. We have generally had a very checkered history of cheap laughs and horrid comedy. Of course amongst that we have seen some amazing cinematic gems arise the likes of Boy, Goodbye Pork Pieand so on. So when you sit in a cinema without a lot of background about the content of a film but knowing that it sits in a genre that has been so hit and miss, you cannot help but feel dubious.
HOW TO MEET GIRLS FROM A DISTANCE was made in association with the NZ Film Commission and NZ On Air as part of the first round of Make My Movie funding. Make My Movie is an initiative from Ant Timpson. A competition using social media, print advertising, YouTube, and a unique voting system ensured that the film had an audience behind him from the beginning. The films production team, Traces of Nut decided to enter after nine years of 48 Hour competition in Wellington. The team took out Make My Movie with 756 other entrants and after four rounds of elimination.
This film was made with a budget of just $100,000 and filmed in just 17 days. I think I can honestly say that they have certainly got awesome value for money. It is a really nice looking film, which says a lot about the wonderful accessibility of quality digital equipment without the need to rob a bank. Plus you certainly get the feeling that a lot of well thought out planning has gone on behind the scenes. There are plenty of lovely flowing shots around a very scenic Wellington. Having the main character ride a scooter is a brilliant tool for some tasty travelling shots and at a guess this would have also made it a lot more cost effective to film. Add that to a brilliant use of copious awesome localities, including a wide variety of cool cafes.
But it doesn’t just look great, it is actually super funny with some great comedic moments that are balanced with some clever script layering that actually brings to life a somewhat predictable but still very enjoyable storyline. The cast is awesome and in general pretty fresh. We really haven’t seen much of Jonathan Brugh for quite a long time, since his heyday as a Billy T Award winner over a decade ago. As the final cast member to be added, he is one of the most important components of the film. So much of the comedy of this film revolves around his role as a relationship life coach. Or to the general public, he is a weird pervert guy. He is brilliantly funny and yet excruciatingly discomforting. Of course his character comes to life so very well due to the rest of the ensemble cast being so solid too.
The Verdict>> Plenty of laughs, loads of fun, a triumph for local comedy!

Film News>>> Star Wars is Coming back via Disney

According to sites all over the world, Disney is paying $4.05 billion to buy Lucasfilm Ltd., the production company behind “Star Wars”, from its chairman and founder, George Lucas. It’s also making a seventh movie in the “Star Wars” series called “Episode 7”, set for release in 2015, with plans to follow it with Episodes 8 and 9 and then one new movie every two or three years.

The Walt Disney Co. announced the agreement to make the purchase in cash and stock Tuesday.

The deal brings Lucasfilm under the Disney banner with other brands including Pixar, Marvel, ESPN and ABC.

Kathleen Kennedy, the current co-chairman of Lucasfilm, will become its president and report to Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn. Lucas will be creative consultant on new “Star Wars” films.

Lucas said in a statement, “It’s now time for me to pass ‘Star Wars’ on to a new generation of filmmakers.”

Film News>> Show Me Shorts Festival Nominees Announced

The nominees for the 7th annual Show Me Shorts Film Festival are in! Fourteen films have been nominated in nine award categories.  Notably, ‘Night Shift’ by Zia Mandviwalla received nominations in five award categories; ‘Tatau’ by Chantelle Burgoyne and ‘Lambs’ by Sam Kelly each received four nominations; and ‘43,000 Feet’ by Campbell Hooper received two nominations.
The F.E.U.C.
The winners will be announced at the Opening Night in Auckland on Thursday 1st November. The 2012 prize pool is valued at over $20,000, with the winner of the top award for Best Film taking away $5,000 in film equipment rental from Rubber Monkey Rentals, 6x 400ft of Kodak film stock, subscriptions to Screen Hub, and Setkick’s online production management tool, plus a one year membership to SDGNZ for the Editor and Director.
Two short films from Australia and one from Switzerland have been nominated for Best International Film. Australian film, ‘The Wilding’, is produced by previous Show Me Shorts Best Film award winner Jannine Barnes.
Three dramatic Kiwi shorts are in contention for the coveted Best Film award: ‘Lambs’, ‘Tatau’ and ‘Night Shift’. Last year’s Best Film award was won by Jack Woon for his dreamy drama about awkward teenage love: ‘The Great Barrier’.
There are still some tickets for the Auckland Opening Night and Awards Ceremony available to the public but these are selling fast from Capitol Cinemas (reservations on 09 623 2000). The Show Me Shorts Opening Nights include screenings of the winning films, and are the only chance to see all of these films screened together. A Wellington Opening Night event will follow at Paramount on Thursday, November 8th.
The judges for 2012 are actor Rene Naufahu (‘No.2’, ‘The Market’, ‘Russian Snark’), props and prosthetics designer Roger Murray (‘Evil Dead’, ‘Spartacus’, ‘Narnia Chronicles’) and director Paul Campion (‘The Devils Rock’, ‘Eel Girl’). Naufahu was impressed with “the willingness of the assembled teams to take risk, to lead with the heart, to be brave; without compromise of technique in all areas – photography, editing, script-writing, acting – regardless of budget, location or material.”
 The nominated films can be found scattered throughout the six different sessions of Show Me Shorts 2012 programme, each featuring about seven short films grouped together around a common theme: Explorers, Comedy Corner, Love & Other Catastrophes, My Hero, Nerd’s Revenge and Unrestricted Access. The full programme of 40 short films this year showcases a wide variety of fiction and documentary shorts. Themes of family ties and new relationships feature alongside dumpster diving and synchronised cycling. The international films on offer tell tales of sheep stealing, the de-winging of angels and time travel, not to mention stories on love… for gravediggers, zombies and juvenile delinquents.
Judge Rene Naufahu describes the Show Me Shorts films that had the biggest impact on him as “inescapable, claustrophobic, unpredictable, urgent and other-worldly yet at the same time liberating, a huge breath of fresh air, slow-burning and (best of all!) on our doorstep”. 
The seventh annual SHOW ME SHORTS Film Festival will screen in 12 cinemas around New Zealand, commencing 1 November. The full programme is at
Here is the full list of 2012 nominees:
Tom Hern for ‘Lambs’
Zanna Gillespie, Graeme E. Bibby & Chantelle Burgoyne for ‘Tatau’
Matt Noonan & Chelsea Winstanley for ‘Night Shift’
Andrew Stroud for ‘43,000 Feet’
Ari Wegner for ‘Night Shift’
Denson Baker for ‘Lambs’
UNITEC for ‘This is Libby’
Zanna Gillespie, Graeme E. Bibby & Chantelle Burgoyne for ‘Tatau’
Lauren Eisinger & Katherine France for ‘Kia Kaha’
Waka Rowlands for his role in ‘Lambs’                  
Anapela Polataivao for her role in ‘Night Shift’                      
Fynn Ellison for his role in ‘Ollie’    
Zia Mandviwalla for ‘Night Shift’
Matthew Harris for ‘43,000 Feet’
Lucy Zee for ‘This is Libby’
Zia Mandviwalla for ‘Night Shift’
Sam Kelly for ‘Lambs’
Chantelle Burgoyne for ‘Tatau’
Chantelle Burgoyne for ‘Tatau’
Jeff Hurrell for ‘Lambs’
Dan Jarman for ‘The F.E.U.C’
Jannine Barnes for ‘The Wilding’
Maya Zibung Jones for ‘Parallel’
Asuka Sylvie for ‘Pinion’
Richard Mans’ technical accomplishment for ‘Abiogenesis’.
The cast and crew of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ for community filmmaking.
Yaser Naser for the VFX on ‘50% off Mail Order Bride’.
(Also a special mention to Andrew Long’s End Credits on 50% off Mail Order Bride)

Hot Girlie Television to win

As one hugely popular TV series passes on to the TV Heaven in the Sky another comes along to take its place. 
So to celebrate this passing on of the baton. 
We are giving you the chance to win the final Season of Desperate Housewives and the Debut Season of Revenge

To be in to win simply answer this question…

What are the character names of the 4 main Desperate Housewives?

Email your answer with your contact details to 
(Please put “Housewives” in the subject line)

Terms and Conditions>> Entries close Friday 9th of November 2012. You must be a Resident of New Zealand to win and judges decision is final.

Revenge Season on Trailer
Desperate Housewives Season 8 Trailer

Tatarakihi The Children of Parihaka Documentary Review

Tatarakihi The Children of Parihaka
Releases: October 2012
Rating: Rating
Duration: 63 minutes 
Genre:  Documentary
Director: Paora Te Oti Takarangi Joseph
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> In 2009, a group of Taranaki children were taken on a bus trip to visit the places their ancestors, passive resistors from Parihaka in the 1880s, were imprisoned and forced to labour in. Places like Addington Jail in Christchurch and various buildings and roads they worked on in Dunedin. Along the way, they were welcomed at local marae by descendants of local Maori who supported the prisoners at the time. It was an emotional journey, documented by Paora Joseph’s camera and the children themselves. The narration is by the children, from their writing, poetry, song and art, expressed in a workshop after the journey.
The Review>> There are moments in our history that we all know a little bit about. However it really is just a little bit. The story of Parihaka is one of those moments in the New Zealand timeline. In general we know there was a protest, we know there was injustice, however for most of us that is where the story finishes. So for me, this was not just journey into the people of Parihaka, but also into history behind them. I have often thought that general approach to telling of our history has become more of a straight out intellectual chore rather than connecting those moments in time with not only the people involved but our own selves in the present. This is definitely one of those stories where the connections are made clearly and cleverly. The bulk of this documentary follows a group of kids as thy learn first hand exactly what their ancestors had faced. It is this connection that really draws you into the the desire to know more.
Producer/director Paora Joseph: “While it recounts days of darkness, Tatarakihi – The Children Of Parihaka carries a sense of restoration and hope, and I hope it enables continued dialogue for understanding and mutual respect of both Maori and Pakeha in the New Zealand we know today. This film is dedicated to the memory of all who have carried the kaupapa of passive resistance taught by Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi.”
The director of this film, Paora has done a wonderful job of balancing the history with the emotions that surround it. Personally I think a lot of this comes out of his own background as a youth worker on the streets of South Auckland, this in turn led him train as a clinical psychologist. So he is able to see how these events not only effected those who lived through them but also the ancestors that now live with the resulting pain. This is however an amazing story not of bitterness and living in the pain that has come from the past, but instead of the coming together of a disenfranchised people, who claimed freedom of spirit and embodied pure forgiveness through it all..
The Verdict>> A well thought out and executed look at one of the most pivotal moments in New Zealand history. A triumph of local cinema.
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>>
Release is arthouse and grassroots, but it will be out there as follows:
Now – running in Rialto Dunedin (season started Sept 20)
Oct 23 – Gala screening in Hawera, Taranaki, celebrating the homecoming of the film.
Oct 27, 28, 31 – final sessions in NZ Film Festival. In Masterton and New Plymouth
Nov 1 – season starts at Rialto Newmarket
Nov 2 – Rialto Newmarket “Film Talk” session
Nov 4 & 5 – special Parihaka Day screenings
Nov 1 – season starts Hawera, Taranaki
Nov 4 & 5 – special Parihaka Day screenings in Christchurch at North City Church and Hollywood Cinema, Sumner
Nov 4 & 5 – special Parihaka Day screenings at Nelson Museum in association with Taranaki Wars Exhibition
Nov 7 – season starts Penthouse, Wellington
Nov 9 & 10 – Whanganui Museum – double feature with How Far is Heaven (both local films)
Nov 9 – back home to Parihaka Pa, Taranaki for commemorative screening
Nov 18 & 20 – Waiheke Island Cinema
Plus others to be added. eg Hamilton, Motueka/Takaka, Palmerston North etc

Win Rock Ages on Bluray Plus the Soundtrack!!!

Thanks to the awesome peeps at Sony Music and Fiveight we have a short stack of Rock of Ages Soundtracks and Blurays to give away...

All you need to do is answer this simple question… 

Name three songs that feature in the movie?

Email your answer with your name and contact details to
(Please put “Rock” in the subject header)

(Competition closes 11:59pm Friday 2nd of November 2012, you must be a resident of New Zealand, and judges decision in final.)

The Premise>> Two love-struck dreamers fall in love during the height of the hair-metal scene as they navigate the seedy world of drugs, mullets, and stripping while at a club on the Sunset Strip in this adaptation of the hit off-Broadway musical. Set in 1987 Los Angeles, Drew and Sherrie are two young people chasing their dreams in the big city. When they meet, it’s love at first sight, though their romance will face a series of challenges.

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