Parental Guidance Movie Review

Parental Guidance
Releases: Christmas Eve 2012

Rating: PG

Duration: 105 minutes 

Genre:  Family Comedy

Starring: Billy Crystal, Bette Midler and Marisa Tomei
Director: Andy Fickman (Hellcats Tv Show, You Again)
Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> Old school grandfather Artie (Billy Crystal), who is accustomed to calling the shots, meets his match when he and his eager-to-please wife Diane (Bette Midler) agree to babysit their three grandkids when their type-A helicopter parents (Marisa Tomei, Tom Everett Scott) go away for work. But when 21st century problems collide with Artie and Diane’s old school methods of tough rules, lots of love and old-fashioned games, it’s learning to bend – and not holding your ground – that binds a family together.
The Review>> So often comedy can be aimed so much at adults. I can think of heaps of films that I have found extremely funny, however they aren’t the sort of film that you can recommend to everyone. Here is a film that is extremely funny but aimed firmly at the wider audience both in age and cinematic style.
There are plenty of good hearty laughs spread throughout the film and more than what you see in the trailer. Both Billy Crystal and Bette Midler are hilarious and share some wonderful moments in the story. In fact overall the cast is good and do a solid job in bringing their characters to life. I think as I watched it I kind of felt like it was a child friendly version of Meet the Parents in a lot of ways.
It has a really good look at the need for a balanced approach to parenting. While sometimes you can’t be all about fun and games, you also need to know when to relax and enjoy the ride.
The Verdict>> A really good family comedy that all ages will enjoy not only the comedy but also the positive messages it contains.