Win Iron Sky on Bluray

Nazis on the Moon? Yeah of course there are… Well we have Iron Sky on Bluray for you to win.

To be in to win simply answer this question…

What other films has Stephanie Paul been in?

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Terms and Conditions>> Entries close Friday 21st of December 2012. You must be a Resident of New Zealand to win and judges decision is final.

The Premise>>  In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.

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Iron Sky DVD Review

Iron Sky
DVD Releases: December 2012

Rating: M – Contains Violence, sexual references & offensive language
Duration: 92 minutes 
Genre:  Sci FI 
Starring: Julia Dietze, Peta Sergeant, Stephanie Paul and Udo Kier 
Director: Timo Vuorensola (Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning)

Reviewer: Jon E Clist 

The Premise>> In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.

The Review>> This is one of those films where the concept is simple but crazy. Like films that have gone before like Snakes on a Plane, the overall plot is nothing to taxing, however the simple nature of the idea actually brings a whole lot of fun and interest. NAZIS ON THE MOON… seriously that kind of sums it up. Apparently the original idea was conceived by Jarmo Puskala in a dream. He told the director Timo Vuorensola about his dream in a sauna, and Vuorensola replied he would make it into a film only if they got Udo Kier to act in it and Laibach to make the soundtrack.

It is by no means a film to take seriously in any form, it is a film that was probably never meant to have worldwide cinematic release and to some extent may have been expected to go straight to DVD. Of course even before it was completed, an international fan base had other plans. This ground swell took over all over the world with cult like status. In fact fans of Iron Sky ended up ponying up over ten percent of the production budget. Now that’s a committed fan base of which I am sure most film producers and directors would love to draw in. This has led to the film being released in heaps of countries around the world, which actually works out well, when you consider that that this film is a joint venture between Finnish, German and Australian film makers. The cast comes from all over the world including kiwi actress Stephanie Paul (You can read our interview with her here), Australian Actor Peta Sergeant and Australian/American actor ChristopherKirby.

The film is full of satirical war and political humour and most of it is pretty clever and funny. For a b-grade film it is generally pretty good. Sure at times the acting is a little Hammy and dialogue a bit corny, however the cool nature of the film comes through in abundance. Even the moments of extreme predictability can still make you laugh, like the moment when a couple of the characters nearly get blown out of an air lock and you straight away know that her clothes are about to be mostly blown off. You still find yourself laughing when the inevitability hits the Screen.

Visually it is dark and gritty and although the budget was not huge, it still stacks up okay as an exploration into scifi.

The Verdict>> A good old crazy B-grade film that is destined for cult status and worth a couple of laughs!

Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Nazi spaceships are named after operas in Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen cycle. “Rheingold”, “Walkure”, “Siegfried” and “Götterdämmerung”.

More than 10 percent of funding for this film came from fans. The donors are listed in the credits.

The German customs office would not allow the film-makers to bring any Nazi costumes and regalia into Germany, but fortunately the makers of Inglourious Basterds helped director Vuorensola by revealing how they had circumvented the same problem.

One of the nazi zeppelins has registration code Q-N4751, which is kuunatsi (moon nazi in Finnish).

The symbol which the President and Adler adopt for their campaign is taken from the Laibach-album “Volk”. Laibach created the soundtrack for “Iron Sky”.

The original idea was conceived by Jarmo Puskala in a dream. He told the director Timo Vuorensola about his dream in a sauna, and Vuorensola replied he would make it into a film only if they got Udo Kier to act in it and Laibach to make the soundtrack.

When Renate Richter takes off the helmet after leaving the escape pod, it can be seen to bear the number “SS-1138”, a nod to George Lucas.

Iron Sky Movie Review

Releases: 9thAugust 2012
Rating: M – Contains Violence, sexual references & offensive language

Duration: 92 minutes 

Genre:  Sci FI 
Starring: Julia Dietze, Peta Sergeant, Stephanie Paul and Udo Kier 
Director: Timo Vuorensola (Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning)

Reviewer: Jon E Clist 
The Premise>> In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space program evaded destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon. During 70 years of utter secrecy, the Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers.

The Review>> This is one of those films where the concept is simple but crazy. Like films that have gone before like Snakes on a Plane, the overall plot is nothing to taxing, however the simple nature of the idea actually brings a whole lot of fun and interest. NAZIS ON THE MOON… seriously that kind of sums it up. Apparently the original idea was conceived by Jarmo Puskala in a dream. He told the director Timo Vuorensola about his dream in a sauna, and Vuorensola replied he would make it into a film only if they got Udo Kier to act in it and Laibach to make the soundtrack.
It is by no means a film to take seriously in any form, it is a film that was probably never meant to have worldwide cinematic release and to some extent may have been expected to go straight to DVD. Of course even before it was completed, an international fan base had other plans. This ground swell took over all over the world with cult like status. In fact fans of Iron Sky ended up ponying up over ten percent of the production budget. Now that’s a committed fan base of which I am sure most film producers and directors would love to draw in. This has led to the film being released in heaps of countries around the world, which actually works out well, when you consider that that this film is a joint venture between Finnish, German and Australian film makers. The cast comes from all over the world including kiwi actress Stephanie Paul (You can read our interview with her here),Australian Actor Peta Sergeant and Australian/American actor ChristopherKirby.
The film is full of satirical war and political humour and most of it is pretty clever and funny. For a b-grade film it is generally pretty good. Sure at times the acting is a little Hammy and dialogue a bit corny, however the cool nature of the film comes through in abundance. Even the moments of extreme predictability can still make you laugh, like the moment when a couple of the characters nearly get blown out of an air lock and you straight away know that her clothes are about to be mostly blown off. You still find yourself laughing when the inevitability hits the Screen.
Visually it is dark and gritty and although the budget was not huge, it still stacks up okay as an exploration into scifi.
The Verdict>> A good old crazy B-grade film that is destined for cult status and worth a couple of laughs!
Some extra bits to know about the film and to look out for>> Nazi spaceships are named after operas in Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen cycle. “Rheingold”, “Walkure”, “Siegfried” and “Götterdämmerung”.
More than 10 percent of funding for this film came from fans. The donors are listed in the credits.
The German customs office would not allow the film-makers to bring any Nazi costumes and regalia into Germany, but fortunately the makers of Inglourious Basterds helped director Vuorensola by revealing how they had circumvented the same problem.
One of the nazi zeppelins has registration code Q-N4751, which is kuunatsi (moon nazi in Finnish).
The symbol which the President and Adler adopt for their campaign is taken from the Laibach-album “Volk”. Laibach created the soundtrack for “Iron Sky”.
The original idea was conceived by Jarmo Puskala in a dream. He told the director Timo Vuorensola about his dream in a sauna, and Vuorensola replied he would make it into a film only if they got Udo Kier to act in it and Laibach to make the soundtrack.
When Renate Richter takes off the helmet after leaving the escape pod, it can be seen to bear the number “SS-1138”, a nod to George Lucas.

Interview With Iron Sky’s Stephanie Paul

Iron Sky is a film that has taken the world by storm with a gritty fan driven marketing strategy that has seen its release go a lot wider than expected. A film that in the end saw over ten percent of its funding come directly from its fans. This is a modern day tale of the cinematic underdog taking on the big boys of the film industry. We managed to get a little chatting time with Iron Sky actress Stephanie Paul. Having appeared in gritty life dramas like Separation City, New Zealand born actress Stephanie found herself cast into the role of the most powerful person in the world; The President of the United States of America. However it’s a role caught up in the middle of a threat. But not just any threat. It is the threat of invasion from moon-living Nazis.
Firstly, thank you Stephanie for taking time out of ruling the free world to chat with us.
It is my pleasure thanks for the invitation.

I have to ask, how did you find yourself caught up in a Finnish, German and Australian science Fiction film about Nazis on the moon?
The Australian Producers of Separation City New Holland Pictures were also involved in “Iron Sky” and they asked the Director to audition me for the film. I had sooo much fun Auditioning for the role of The President, that may have had something to do with me getting cast.
The film comes across as edgy, dark but great fun. Was it a fun atmosphere to work within?
The cast and crew were from Europe, NZ, Australia and America and there were sometimes miscommunications but overall the team was amazing!! We had so much fun and everyone was so incredibly behind getting the best out of each other as a team, which is why I believe that we are a bit of a family now still and stay in contact and catch up when ever we are in the same cities. The team truly cared about each other and I think that is what enabled them to create this amazing film on such a low budget. I personally had a blast shooting this project.

It would appear from the film, a lot of action would have been shot in front of green screen, was this something that you had to adjust your acting style in order to get the most out of your performance?
A lot was shot on Green Screen, however I was fortunate that most of my stuff was not. The Director really didn’t want anyone seeing any of the rushes or playback (We had to sneak them on set) so we had to blindly believe we were giving him what he wanted, some of the actors found this hard but me as long as the crew were laughing during/after takes I was okay that we were getting what was needed LOL. I have a pretty vivid imagination and I find as long as I get my eye lines for green screen I can see or visualize what I need to and make sure it is right by working with the director through Q and A.
When creating the framework for your Presidential character, did you draw inspiration from other famous world leaders or stories you have heard about them?
Although I looked like Sarah Palin, Timo The Director was very clear I was not to “Play” her, so I decided to study George Bush Jr, Barak Obama, and Sarah Palin. I think I channeled more George Bush Jr than the other two in the end and if you notice politicians in America when campaigning change there accents depending on where/who they are talking to, so I never actually kept my accent within any particular State on purpose.  I decided to take it all over the map just like they do, I guess “taking the piss” really. But I think that is the feel of a lot of the humor within the movie. The Finnish are a lot like the Kiwis when it comes to “Taking the Piss” because of this I REALLY enjoyed working with them, I felt easily at home with the Finns on the project.
Despite being the leader of the free world, you spend a large portion of the film in workout gear on exercise machines, did that add to the surreal nature of the film?
LOL, I loved the fact that behind closed doors in the oval office we saw “what a president does” drink whiskey and tread the Elliptical machine, I am almost surprised that they didn’t have The President doing a photo shoot for “O” magazine or in downward dog pose with a personal trainer LOL.
Your previous acting roles have been in films that are more focused on script than action, which type of film do you prefer working on?
The only “Action” I got in the film was falling off the Elliptical LOL, I think I am lucky to have even been considered to play this role I was honored. I mean seriously it was HILARIOUS to me to have the opportunity to play The President of The United States especially the way she was written was so, so much fun to play. I like working on all genres of film. I like working LOL. A weaker script can be turned around by a great Director and an awesome cast, A not so strong Director and weaker cast can also weaken a script. I think when an awesome team is brought together, regardless of genre amazing creativity can happen. Critics will judge creativity no matter what you do and only the fans will tell you how well you really did.
So now that you have successfully played the President in a Sci Fi film about Nazis hiding on the Moon, Is there anything else left for you to achieve as an actress?
It definitely is a highlight of my career!! In fact I shoot a lot of commercials and I just played “the Moderator” of a political debate for an American commercial, which was fun but definitely a step down from The President LOL. I would really love to play a psychiatric person, studying behavior is fascinating to me and that would be a juicy study.

It has come out that there is potentially a Prequel and Sequel in the works for Iron Sky, is there anything you can tell us about them? Will you be back in the chair of power?
I can’t imagine my character would be in the Prequel because I believe it is set back in the 1940’s before the Nazi’s go to the moon? One would hope there is room for my Character in the Sequel, however I could also play something/someone else that is the art of amazing make up and hair.  The wonderful thing about SciFi comedy is there are so many possibilities.
Once again thank you very much for talking with us about one of the craziest and yet coolest plot ideas in modern cinema.
It was my greatest pleasure to be involved with both the interview and one of the craziest, coolest plot ideas in modern cinema. 

Iron Sky Hits New Zealand Cinemas from 9th of August
Rated: M – Contains Violence, sexual references & offensive language